

(This post may contain triggers, proceed with caution) Lately the media has been FILLED with stories of assault. The hashtag MeToo brought even more light to the situation. I was shocked to see how many people were posting that they were completely unaware of how 

An Open Letter to My “Ex” Best Friends

An Open Letter to My “Ex” Best Friends

I don’t know whether it’s the holidays or how this year has gone but I’ve found myself incredibly reflective lately. As my family grows I am finding myself constantly thinking of the pieces that were left behind. So this is for them… An Open Letter 

The Ultimate Hospital Bag Checklist

The Ultimate Hospital Bag Checklist

Packing your hospital bag can be nerve wracking. You’re probably nesting like crazy and if you’re like me, you’re making lists of everything you think you need and before you know it you’re set to pack everything you own. Truth is, you don’t need all 

Diaper Bag Essentials

Diaper Bag Essentials

Packing your diaper bag as a first time mom can be tricky. You think you need EVERYTHING the baby could ever possibly need in one on-the-go bag. Honestly, at any given point anything could happen but if you’re organized and prepared for the basics, you’ll 

Tips from a 4 hour Labor & Delivery

Tips from a 4 hour Labor & Delivery

As a soon to be first time mom, labor was probably the scariest thing I thought I could ever face. All you ever hear is how it’s the most painful experience of your life and you’ll never forget it, yadda, yadda, yadda… Nobody ever tells 

New Dad Tips: Surviving the First Month

New Dad Tips: Surviving the First Month

When a baby is born everyone focuses on baby and mom but we often forget this is all new for dad too. There is a lot of stress on mom right now but there are plenty of ways you can take some of the burden 

Surviving the First Two Weeks with a Newborn

Surviving the First Two Weeks with a Newborn

The first few weeks of parenthood are a bit of a whirlwind. You’re recovering, you’re all exhausted, and you’re all learning and getting to know one another. It’s hard. Probably one of the hardest things I have experienced yet. But it’s doable! If it wasn’t, 

Baby’s First Disney Trip (Tips for an easy day)

Baby’s First Disney Trip (Tips for an easy day)

You think you know things and then you have a baby… It applies to Disney as well. Disney is an entirely different experience when you’ve got a baby with you. For that, here’s my advice for Baby’s First Disney Trip. Tips for an Easy Day 

How I only gained 17lbs during Pregnancy

How I only gained 17lbs during Pregnancy

Being pregnant is hard enough without having to watch your weight… But when my doctor told me it would be ideal for me to not gain more than 20lbs during my pregnancy I took it to heart. Sure enough, the day I went into labor 

10 Baby Registry Must Haves

10 Baby Registry Must Haves

I have learned SO much about babies this year! Seriously, I thought I knew so much from my years and years around babies…HAH! Becoming a parent has shown me I only  knew a fraction of what I needed to know. For instance, what you REALLY