Diaper Bag Essentials

Diaper Bag Essentials

Packing your diaper bag as a first time mom can be tricky. You think you need EVERYTHING the baby could ever possibly need in one on-the-go bag. Honestly, at any given point anything could happen but if you’re organized and prepared for the basics, you’ll do just fine on your day to day travels. Here are my top Diaper Bag Essentials.

I’m a bit of a neat freak. Everything has to have its place and has to be reorganized whenever my fiancé touches it! Its a tad bit obsessive but that’s a conversation topic for another time. You don’t have to be as crazy as me to have a simple, organized diaper bag.

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Stick to the Basics

You don’t at any given time need absolutely everything your child could ever possibly need! If you’re going on a road trip, that’s one thing, but if you’re just living your day to day life you’d be amazed at what you actually need.

Diapers, wipes, and a changing pad are always a must.

An extra bottle, a spare outfit, and a pacifier…sure. (I mean, we can’t go anywhere without our Wubbanub. Mom life, am I right?)

If you’re bottle feeding, a burp cloth won’t hurt either. You can go ahead and skip an extra blankie and an assortment of toys.

I have a small emergency kit that has bandaids, Neosporin, a thermometer, and diaper rash cream in it. Its the size of my palm and holds the essentials. It’s probably a good idea to get one of those clip on bottles of hand sanitizer if you’re trying to save as much space as possible.

My diaper bag also has a few essentials for me in it. I always have a water and a granola bar on hand and there’s a pocket specifically for my wallet and keys as well.

Now that you’ve got your essentials let’s talk about diaper bags in general.

I have dealt with every kind of diaper bag you can possibly imagine and the one that never fails to come out on top is the backpack diaper bag. It’s got more space and it’s easier to lug around when you’re carrying baby. I’m one of those mom’s that’s got the baby in her arms and has the diaper bag knocking things off of shelves with every turn so the convenience of having it on my back made all the difference.

I ordered mine with my RedCard and got 5% off, here and I absolutely LOVE it. I don’t dare make a Disney trip without it! Our last trip it held all of T’s essentials, snacks for me and Hubs and it even had extra room for my souvenirs. Money well spent in my book! 

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