How I only gained 17lbs during Pregnancy

How I only gained 17lbs during Pregnancy

Being pregnant is hard enough without having to watch your weight… But when my doctor told me it would be ideal for me to not gain more than 20lbs during my pregnancy I took it to heart. Sure enough, the day I went into labor I was only 17lbs heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight. Here’s how I only gained 17lbs during pregnancy and how you can too!

Pregnancy weight gain really boils down to 3 things:


Seriously, all of the water you can possibly consume. I went from NEVER drinking water to drinking over a gallon a day. It was hard at first, don’t get me wrong. My co-workers literally had timers set to remind me to “take a sip” just to force me to drink a little more and more frequently. But it is so worth it! So drink up!!

Related: Tips from a 4 Hour Labor & Delivery

2. Get Moving

Always, always, always be moving. Take a break at work and walk down stairs. Walk around the house. Go to the gym. Walk your neighborhood. Go to Disney! Whatever works for you, do it. Just keep moving. It’ll help your circulation, you’ll feel better, and they say the more active the pregnancy the easier the birth. So even if you don’t feel like it at first, make yourself go for a short walk.

3. Fight Cravings with Healthy Snacks

A lot of women crave sweets or chocolate. I found things like coco baked almonds were a good substitute for a brownie when I really wanted one. Fruit is good too. Actually, almonds and bananas are supposed to help lower blood pressure as well so if you’re struggling with higher than normal blood pressure snack on those!

Remember that weight gain is inevitable when you’re pregnant. Don’t be discouraged, you’re growing a human!! You’re allowed cheat days. You’re allowed to snack. Just maintain everything in moderation and you’ll be golden!


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