10 Baby Registry Must Haves

10 Baby Registry Must Haves

I have learned SO much about babies this year! Seriously, I thought I knew so much from my years and years around babies…HAH! Becoming a parent has shown me I only  knew a fraction of what I needed to know. For instance, what you REALLY need on your registry versus what you think you need. Here are my top 10 Baby Registry Must Haves!

Related: Neverland Nursery – 
(This post contains affiliate links)

I had a huge list of things I “needed” between what I thought I needed and what everyone else swore I needed and guess what…? I only needed about HALF of it!!

Some babies are exceptions, obviously… You’ll have your own add-ons once you get to know your baby’s specific needs. This list will give you what you REALLY need to get baby here and settled. 

First things first; Sign up for ALL the freebies!


I looked into all sorts of things before I created my registries. (Yes, registries…as in more than one!) I found the best places to register are the places that give you free baby gear! So that’s right, I signed up for two separate registries! I put some of our items on a Target Baby Registry and gave that info to our families to buy from and I put the rest on an Amazon Baby Registry and gave that info to our friends to buy from. Each of these programs gives you the opportunity to buy items left on your registry and stock up on items you’ll need at a discount and they both provide you with a FREE welcome box!! Seriously, they’re the only two that are worth it. 

1. Rock n’ Play

These Rock n’ Plays are seriously the greatest baby invention ever! They’re great for traveling, they’re great for babies with reflux, they’re even great for babies that just have a hard time falling asleep. Opt for the auto rock ones, you’ll thank me later.

2. Tula Baby Carrier


This is the Tula Carrier I have and I LOVE IT!!! If you ever plan on taking your baby anywhere, I promise you this is 1000x easier than the stroller. Going grocery shopping and don’t want to end up like this? 

Then use the Tula! Going to the mall? Tula. Going to Disney? TULA! Trust me on this. I was one of those people awkwardly staring at all the parents that desperately try to fold their strollers up small enough to fit on the boat/bus/monorail and I will NOT be one of those people all thanks to my Tula!

Related: Tips for Baby’s First Disney Trip 

3. Grow With Me Car Seat


These Grow With Me Car Seats cost a little more in the beginning but it’s worth it in the long run. This one in particular is good for kids 4-65lbs! Definitely get your money’s worth AND they typically have better safety ratings than of you went with the standard travel systems.

4. Video Baby Monitor

I never realized how much easier checking on baby in the middle of the night would be until I was given this Video Baby Monitor. I figured I didn’t need anything fancy…my mom didn’t have one of these and I turned out fine, right? HAH! This makes life soooo much more convenient. I don’t know why I ever thought I’d get by without one.

5. Sit Me Up Seat 

This portable Sit Me Up Seat is the best for babies learning to sit up on their own. It comes with a removable snack try and two clip on toys to keep baby occupied and happy.

6. Sound Machine


I never considered that for 9 months the most constant noise my baby heard was what was actually inside of me…weird, right? You’d think that would be common sense. But really, I never considered that he’s used to hearing my heart beating and it turned out that the heart beat function of this sound machine was the function that would make him stop crying almost immediately every time. They also have a small portable one for when you’re on the go!

7. Swaddles!!


Muslin swaddle blankets are great but these Pod Swaddles by SwaddleMe are the best for newborns for sure. They zip from either end so you don’t have to worry about waking baby up for a diaper change. Just unzip from the bottom and keep their arms nice and tight and baby won’t even notice you’re changing him.

8. Bottle Medicine Dispenser

This tiny little medicine dispenser makes giving medicine or gripe water so much easier. Baby takes to it more willingly because they’re expecting food and before they realize they’ve been tricked the medicine is down!

9. Gripe Water


This is something I had heard about but never really thought I’d need to buy until a friend of mine actually bought it for me and now I swear by it. For babies 2 weeks and up; It helps hiccups, gas, colic, and general fussiness. It’s really a life saver when nothing else helps. Because let’s be real, whether breastfed or bottle fed, your baby will experience one of those symptoms at some point.  When it’s 3am and you’re not exactly functioning on all cylinders and you just don’t know how to help your baby, you will be thankful for something like Gripe Water that makes their belly feel better almost instantly.

10. AfterBand


This one’s for you, Momma. I can’t stress enough how important it is to remember to take care of yourself after baby is here. Postpartum girdles range anywhere from $25 to $125. However, this Afterband is $25 at Target and it works GREAT. These are designed to help you bounce back quicker. They hold your belly in place to allow your uterus to return to it’s pre-pregnancy position and they help prevent the dreaded “pooch”.


My First Year Baby Book

“They grow up too fast…” I know my baby sure is! This baby book has been my own personal little journal to catalog his many “firsts” and silly moments. It’s becoming a keepsake I know I’ll look back on when he’s all grown up and (probably teary-eyed) smile.

I hope this helps! Remember, no matter how prepared you think you are your new little one will show you something you never even thought about!

***I love feedback! Whether you loved this or have suggestions on how I can improve what I’m doing please feel free to leave a comment! Are there specific things that you’d like to see me post about? Send me a suggestion! Don’t forget, I post to all kinds of social media platforms. So keep an eye out for me on Facebook, InstagramTwitterMixBlog Lovin’ and (of course) Pinterest!

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