Teething Remedies (That REALLY Work!!)

Teething Remedies (That REALLY Work!!)

If you’re dealing with a teething baby then, like me, you’ve taken to absolutely whatever you can find that might bring your baby some relief. I’ve tried A LOT and these are the best teething remedies I’ve found that really work!

*This post contains affiliate links.

1. Raz Berry Teething Pacifier

This Teether gives baby a chance to chew while being shaped like a familiar object making it easier to grasp for the younger ones. You can even fill it with water and freeze it to give baby some cooling relief.

2. Camilia Teething Drops

These drops are my go-to when other teething methods don’t work. They’re natural, they give him relief fairly quickly and he loves the taste.

3. Baltic Amber Necklace

I skeptically bought this because I had heard wonderful reviews but I didn’t really believe that it would do anything…T was screaming, I put it on him and he immediately calms. I’ve been an avid believer ever since. He wears it all the time and it really makes a difference. Even his drooling has calmed down! I can’t rave about this enough. I’ve ordered myself a bracelet too!

4. Munch Mitt

We were given this as a gift and I love it. T loves it because it’s got that crinkle paper that babies (and dogs, watch the pups. They will try to steal it!) love on the inside so he thinks it’s a toy and the silicone ridges soothe him much better than his bare fingers ever could.

5. Itzy Ritzy Silicone Teether

Saved the best for last! These are the only hand held teethers that I can get T to really use continuously. HE LOVES THEM!!! I have purchased all 3 so he is never without one. His tiny hands can actually hold onto them so I don’t constantly have to pick it up and give it back to him. And for whatever reason, the silicone is so much softer than any of the other teethers I’ve picked him up. When he’s hurting, he will happily chew on this forever! They are magic. I’m so happy to have something provide him relief that he really loves!!

I hope this helps!

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