Secret Migraine Remedy

Secret Migraine Remedy

If you have migraines like I do, you know their pain can range anywhere from annoying to debilitating and they can hit you for any number of reasons. I battled them for years. No amount of over the counter medication or ice packs would ever help… I tried EVERYTHING. That’s how I came across this secret migraine remedy that works every time!!

Going down the list…

Whenever I’d get hit with a true migraine it wouldn’t hit me the way just any old headache would. If you suffer from true migraines you feel my pain when I say they can be debilitating. Those are the days you wish for a stress headache…

Light hurts.

Any noise at all is like a jackhammer.

You’re in so much pain you’re actually nauseous.

Over the counter medicine doesn’t make a difference.

You end up in bed with the curtains drawn and ice packs galore…

Starting to sound familiar??

That was me. That’s when j got desperate. Absolutely nothing worked and I was miserable. I’d call off work, shut off my phone, and lay in bed all day with a pillow and an ice pack on my head. I resorted to asking for help on Facebook and that’s when a friend suggested a glass of Grape Juice.

Random, right?

Sounded odd but I tried it and IT WORKED!

Finally some relief!

I was absolutely over the moon. I would have never considered trying grape juice otherwise but it totally worked; the migraine subsided and the curiosity set in…

Why does Grape Juice help migraines?

It’s in the antioxidants!!

I’m not a doctor, nor am I a scientist or even a nutritionist…But I am a migraine sufferer and the only secret remedy I have found to actually give me relief was Grape Juice and now it’s what I swear by! I always keep some in the house just in case.

I hope this helps you too!

Don’t forget to check out my Life Hacks for a Clean Home and my Life Hacks for Dog Owners!

***I love feedback! Whether you tried this and loved it or found something else that helped you even more, please feel free to leave a comment! Are there specific things that you’d like to see me post about? Send me a suggestion! And don’t forget, I post to all kinds of social media platforms so keep an eye out for me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and (of course) Pinterest!

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