Pumpkin Pup Treats

Pumpkin Pup Treats

I have always had this crazy (almost obsessive) love for animals. That kid that was always bringing home stray critters and offering to make cookies for the neighborhood pets; Yup, that was me. I don’t think I’ll ever fully grow out of my need to have animals. They make my soul happy and it truly just makes me happy to make them happy.

That being said, I try really hard not to spoil my animals. I want them happy but I also want them healthy. Even when I was a kid I would look at all the pet treats in the store and think “I could make that and I bet I could make it even better” (always trying to one-up someone…trouble, I know…but that’s me!)

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I can just never seem to bring myself to spend the money on store bought treats. Especially with all of the articles I read lately saying they’re all full of stuff that’s actually terrible for your animals anyways!

So today I made my own fall style treats for my furbabies! We all know, nothing says fall like pumpkin, right?!

Today I’m using these dog bone shaped cookie cutters. They’re the best ones I’ve found; Perfect set of large and small to accommodate both of my dogs with one batch! 


Pumpkin Pup Treats
A delicious cinnamon-pumpkin dog treat your pups are sure to love!
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
15 min
Total Time
20 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
15 min
Total Time
20 min
  1. 1/3c Pumpkin Puree Baby Food
  2. 1/2c Creamy Peanut Butter
  3. 1 Egg
  4. 1t Cinnamon
  5. 2c Flour (gluten free is usually best)
  6. Cookie Cutter
  7. Cookie Sheet lined with parchment paper
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. In a large mixing bowl combine pumpkin, egg, peanut butter, and cinnamon and mix until smooth
  3. Add flour and knead until completely blended
  4. Roll out and use your cookie cutter to cut as many treats as possible
  5. Place on lined cookie sheet and bake for 15 minutes or until golden
My Caffeinated Chaos https://mycaffeinatedchaos.com/

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