Saving Money at Disney

Saving Money at Disney

We all know a trip to Disney can be incredibly costly… but it doesn’t have to be. As avid Disney goers and Annual Passholders, we have spent thousands upon thousands traveling to Disney over the years. After a while, you pick up your own collection of tricks to keep from breaking the bank and that’s just what I’ll be sharing with you! This will give you all of my best insider secrets to saving money at Disney.

*This post contains affiliate links.

The costs add up quicker than you’d think

A week-long Disney vacation for a family of four can cost upwards of $4,000. From the get-go you’ve got travel, lodging, dining, and souvenirs to pay for. Unless you plan to spend 24/7 in the parks, you’ll probably have other activities to pay for as well. The costs add up quicker than you’d think! (Especially when dinner at Be Our Guest costs $55 per adult and a bottle of water is $3 – yikes!)

Related: Best Restaurants in the Magic Kingdom

Calm down, this is where I can help. 

Every Disney vacation we take I manage to save us hundreds before we even set foot on Disney property. It’s all about knowing where the deals are. I spend hours upon hours searching the internet and signing up for as many email lists as I possibly can to make sure that if there is a discount out there, I find it. 

Discount Disney Tickets

Throughout the past few years I’ve been able to find some really creative ways to save money at Disney and they’ve since become habits for whenever we book a trip. (For instance, ponchos at Disney are over $10 a piece, I found this set of 2 on Amazon for $13!) Some of the deals I’ve been able to find have helped us book Moderate level Disney resorts for Value level prices and even free dining and souvenirs!

Hours of research – All in one place!

I’ve spent dozens of hours each year hunting down the best deals, but you don’t have to! In my eBook I have compiled all of my tricks on how I save hundreds on all of my Disney trips and laid them out in an easy to follow guide. 

With this book you’ll get dozens of exclusive tips and tricks, referrals to which companies offer the best discounts, and lists of free non-park activities and where to find the best free souvenirs. 

But wait, that’s not all; As a bonus you’ll also receive my Free Guide to Beating the Heat at Disney (Because let’s face it, 9 out of 12 months at Disney are HOT)

Click here to get yours today!

***I love feedback! Whether you loved this or have suggestions on how I can improve what I’m doing please feel free to leave a comment! Are there specific things that you’d like to see me post about? Send me a suggestion! Don’t forget, I post to all kinds of social media platforms. So keep an eye out for me on Facebook, InstagramTwitterMixBlog Lovin’ and (of course) Pinterest!

Saving Money at Disney

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