21 Day Meal Plan

21 Day Meal Plan

Looking to lose weight?! I’ve found a healthy and completely all natural way that gives immediate results! This 21 Day Meal Plan is my golden ticket to “diet” success!

*This post contains affiliate links.

21 days of Consistency

First of all, consistency is the key to success with anything. If you aren’t consistent, you won’t see consistent results and when you’re trying to lose weight, you definitely want consistent results.

The 21 Day Meal Plan is all about eating clean. Your body needs real nutrition, consistently to truly thrive.

*Photos provided courtesy of the 21 Day Meal Plan creator

What makes it so special?

With the 21 Day Meal Plan there is no counting calories and there’s no “carb-free” or “sugar free” rule. It’s not a take on the Keto Diet and it’s not Paleo. It’s really in a league of its own. You get to focus on eating REAL foods and that’s it. There’s a list of compliant foods and examples of foods you should steer clear of. A sample menu is provided if you need one and also a list of brands to look for and brands to avoid.

The point is to keep the idea of “diet” out of the picture and keep the lifestyle change that is simply eating real foods with real, healthy ingredients.

This plan has helped individuals lose up to 100lbs all over the world!

The creator and meal plan participant herself has lost 84lbs by following this plan! In just my first 21 days I lost 15lbs doing it! It’s truly amazing to see your body respond so positively and immediately to being fed proper nutrition.

When you purchase the 21 Day Meal Plan, you get access to a Facebook group of the best support system I have ever been a part of. People just like you all over the world, taking it day by day and uplifting one another while they’re at it!

Ready to take the leap to kick start your health journey?!

Use my code: UNICORN and you’ll receive 10% off!


Looking for 21 Day Meal Plan Approved Supplements?

Click Here!!

Tell me about your weight loss journey in the comments below!

***I love feedback! Whether you loved this or have suggestions on how I can improve what I’m doing please feel free to leave a comment! Are there specific things that you’d like to see me post about? Send me a suggestion! Don’t forget, I post to all kinds of social media platforms. So keep an eye out for me on Facebook, InstagramTwitterMixBlog Lovin’ and (of course) Pinterest!


Looking to lose weight?! I've found a healthy and completely all natural way that gives immediate results! This 21 Day Meal Plan is my golden ticket to "diet" success!
Looking to lose weight?! I've found a healthy and completely all natural way that gives immediate results! This 21 Day Meal Plan is my golden ticket to "diet" success!
Looking to lose weight?! I've found a healthy and completely all natural way that gives immediate results! This 21 Day Meal Plan is my golden ticket to "diet" success!
Looking to lose weight?! I've found a healthy and completely all natural way that gives immediate results! This 21 Day Meal Plan is my golden ticket to "diet" success!
Looking to lose weight?! I've found a healthy and completely all natural way that gives immediate results! This 21 Day Meal Plan is my golden ticket to "diet" success!

4 thoughts on “21 Day Meal Plan”

  • Although I couldn’t agree more with eating more whole foods, I would have liked to see more information on what the actual “plan” entails and who it’s by, especially since it costs money. Glad it helped to change your life though!

    • All links go directly to the creator’s pages. What I have laid out is all the plan entails. You get a list of acceptable foods, brand and recipe examples, a sample menu, and access to a 24/7 Facebook support group. I choose to promote the plan because of how well it has worked for myself and thousands of others. I am able to offer a discount code but I did not create the plan so I cannot give away excerpts of it as that would be against the 21 Day Meal Plan copyrights. Please feel free to message me directly or visit the plan’s FAQ page if ever you have any other questions. Thank you!

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