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Lose 10lbs in 1 month

If you’re looking to lose 10lbs in a month, don’t get discouraged, it is totally possible. I’m working on my second month and I feel better than ever. Not only do I have more energy but I’ve found it’s really putting me in a better mood every day! Here’s how you can Lose 10lbs in a Month!

*This post contains affiliate links.

“You are what you eat” Right?

When it comes to weight loss or overall health in general, the first thing I think about is what is going into our bodies. Before I had my son, our household routine consisted of work, homework, work some more and then try to squeeze in a grocery run whenever we could. That meant we’d quickly take a run through Target and grab whatever foods we thought would be easiest to consume on the go – usually things like pop tarts and frozen waffles…


Over the past month I decided to make it simple on myself, I decided to just stop eating “fake” foods and start eating more “real” food. You can’t find pop tarts on a tree somewhere so I stopped eating them. I swapped my morning pop tart for a healthier variation of my On-the-Go Egg Cups and went on from there. Every bit of food you put into your body has a choice behind it. I just started choosing better.

*Don’t forget WATER, WATER, WATER!! Proper hydration is just as important as the daily food choices you make.

*Photos courtesy of 21 Day Meal Plan creator.

Then I started to move more.

I realized that I had completely stopped working out all together. In a week’s time, I spent more time sitting than anything else and that needed to change. I promised myself I would get up and move for at least one hour a day. The first month went by with a breeze. It doesn’t have to be an intense workout to make progress. If you’re not moving at all, just start moving!

Lastly, I found the right community!

I was doing my best to keep up my eating habits with my new workout routine but I’m only human and I slipped up a time or two so I wanted that extra push. I stumbled across a local mom’s Instagram page where she lays out her incredible (almost 100lbs) weight loss journey and I was in awe! Everything she posted about was like looking into a mirror for me and when I found out she had her own meal plan and support community, I was hooked! 

I joined the 21 Day Meal Plan instantly. It followed the rules I had already set for myself, there weren’t any shakes or pills, it was a one time affordable fee (seriously, it costs less than our usual trip to Taco Bell), AND it came with exclusive access to a Facebook support group with thousands of people going through their journeys just like me! 

My first month I lost 12lbs. My second, I lost another 15lbs. Now it’s turned into my lifestyle. Ready to start a journey of your own?

Save 10% on the 21 Day Meal Plan today with the code: Bethany10

***I love feedback! Whether you loved this or have suggestions on how I can improve what I’m doing please feel free to leave a comment! Are there specific things that you’d like to see me post about? Send me a suggestion! Don’t forget, I post to all kinds of social media platforms. So keep an eye out for me on Facebook, InstagramTwitterMixBlog Lovin’ and (of course) Pinterest!

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