5 Foods for Super Bowl Sunday

5 Foods for Super Bowl Sunday

Every year we either host or attend some sort of Super Bowl party and we’re always looking for something delicious to bring so here are the 5 Foods for Super Bowl Sunday that I’ve come up with for this year’s party.

Apps and Starters

Every meal needs a starter and if you keep up with my blog, you know I like things that are quick and easy. This year, quick and easy turned into quite a project but they’re all crowd-pleasers so it’ll be worth the day’s work!

Homemade Guacamole 

Buffalo Chicken Dip

Finger Foods make life easy

I’m that wife that has coasters on the tables and is constantly tidying up during the party so finger foods are a must for a Super Bowl party.

French Dip Sliders

Nothing closes a meal better than something sweet

Following suit with my mess-free day, I’ve decided to make hand held dessert as well (and since I’m a Patriots fan, I plan on making them my team colors)

Game Day Rice Crispies 

Easy Lemon Tarts

5 Crowd-Pleasing Foods for Super Bowl Sunday
5 Crowd-Pleasing Foods for Super Bowl Sunday

***I love feedback! Whether you tried this recipe and loved it or found a way to make it even better, please feel free to leave a comment! Are their specific types of food that you’d like to see me post about? Send me a suggestion! And don’t forget, I post to all kinds of social media platforms so keep an eye out for me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and (of course) Pinterest!

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